Re: Initiates and Devotees

From: ASHLEY MUNDAY <aescleal_at_...>
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 20:55:46 +0100 (BST)

Oops, sent this to your work address:

Have a look at p108, "Concentrating Magic Use," at the paragraph that starts "theism" in italics. You'll see that it bans the use of everything EXCEPT affinties and feats, saying:

"He retains all his affinities and feats, from any source."

So, concentrate on theism and you can keep your common magic feats.

Moving on, there's a paragraph about the costs of concentration. The last sentence in that is:

"Additionally, any common magic magic abilities retained can be used as active abilities, not just augmentations."

Hope that clarifies that I'm not mad! I'd never noticed the "learn a subcult feat" thing on page 120 that you and Jane pointed out, so it happens to us all. Anyway, in a high level campaign I doubt there's much common magic floating around!



To reiterate: If you concentrate on theistic magic...

"He retains all his affinities and feats, from any source."

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