Re: Re: Animism: multiple traditions?

From: Mike Holmes <homeydont_at_...>
Date: Fri, 08 Oct 2004 17:20:35 -0500

>From: "Roderick and Ellen Robertson" <rjremr_at_...>
>Just to clear up something: I've been using "Religion" to indicate a series
>of beliefs and Otherworld entities.

Ah, that does clear some things up. Especially the Kolat stuff. He's not just another specialized magic keyword inside of the cult, alongside Destor, he's got everything that he needs to operate. Likely a "tradition" inside of the overal Heortling religion.

>*That* wasn't attitude. I was involved in writing the rules. I've had long
>talks with Greg about getting his ideas into rules form. I think I have a
>good grasp of what they are meant to portray. I happen to agree with most
>(not all) of the rules as reflecting "Gloranthan Reality". That the rules
>reflect my preferences (and vice versa) is natural.

And that's why you're the man on the list. It just seems like you think that I'm impugning the system when I'm doing nothing of the kind.

> > 2. Discuss faith, and the "reasonableness" of playing out the concept of
> > character being in two religions.
>"Faith" has much less to do with Glorantha than the Real World.

I see what you're saying. But you have to see that it's a matter of perspective. That is, unless humans are different in Glorantha, too. I'm working under the assumption that they think more or less like we do, cognatively. Certainly their reality is different on some levels. But to me, metaphyiscally, it's quite similar.

> > Basically, if the rules say that it can't happen, that's very different,
> > IMO, from saying that it can theoretically happen, but is just very
> > unlikely. I'm trying to figure out which the rules say.
>The Rules don't *specifically* say it can't happen. We didn't think we
>needed to be so specific. But the intent was that it didn't happen.


>No. The Majestic Horse Tradition of the Grazers is one religion. The Storm
>Pantheon is another. You can't belong to both. Even at the 10% level of

That's very clear, thanks.


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