RE: Re: Pol Joni

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 22:12:28 +0100

> > They did? They are not mentioned in the history of
> Starbrow's revolt.
> Actually I think they are. Check out the timeline of Starbrow's
> Rebellion in Wyrm's Footprints. IIRC, the Lunar forces of Prax
> defeat the Pol Joni in Fire Season - preventing them from linking up
> with the rest of the Sartarites. Or something like that.

Page 90-91 - the Military campaign.
Movement week/sea season 1613
"Freezeday - Sartar forces ... laid siege to Jonstown. ... Invaders included three Pol Joni clans."

Fireday - "The Sartar army stayed in the hills before an assembling Lunar army across the river from Jonstown. They receieved some damage among the Pol Joni from Lunar magics"

Holyday - "the remaining Lunar army formed a brief defence on the river but continued to withdraw when they were outflanked by Pol Joni crossing father up-river"

Page 92, "General Fazzur's summer campaign". "Fire season, 1613. Movement week, freezeday: Pavis army detachments leave Pavis and march westwards between the desert and the hills. Pol Joi detachments retreat before them and send messages to muster."

(snip Water day and Clayday)

"Windsday - the Pol Joni are driven off after a night attack thanks to the Lunar Empire's troll guards...."

"Fireday - Pavis detachments turn and begin marching back eastwards towards Pavis. The Pol Joni follow but the Pavis Royal Guard does an excellent job of protecting the retirement. The Lunar mounted units do their best to provide defence for the troll infantry."

That's all I've found so far. I'm not sure how effective the Pol Joni were from that, but they were there.

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