RE: Re: Movement rates

From: Mike Holmes <homeydont_at_...>
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004 11:55:01 -0600

>From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>

>Sure, there are times when you can abstract everything
>to hand-waving and numbers out of the air, at least if
>you're never going to repeat that contest. But there
>are also times when you can't.

Jane, when did I say that these things didn't have to be based on actual distances and such, or that I just pulled these things out of thin air? This whole sub-thread started with you commenting that my conversions in terms of miles seemed nice and tidy (which Ashley has since refined to a simple equation). Your objection was, I thought, that describing things in terms of resistances was problematic. Or that one always needed to know what the distances and actual times involved are. That handling it as a contest was problematic.

If you agree that coming up with nice consistent conversions to resistances is a fine way to inform players of the distances involved, then I don't know what we're debating anymore.


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