Re: Norse Runes

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 12:14:38 -0800

> I am working on using Heroquest for a Viking Era earth setting. I want to
adapt the system to fit traditional Viking rune magic. Any ideas on how that might play out? In GURPS you have base skill and you have access to a certain number of runes. You then combine 2-3 of them together to improvise a spell effect.
> How would something like that play out in HQ? Would one rune be primary
and augmented by other that are secondary? Each rune have a rating and roll under the lowest?

Well, the vikings would simply carve the runes needed to "cast" the spell. Rather than worrying about number of runes you know, and which ones you are using, and the like (which, from my memory of researching it, isn't really that "historical" anyway), I'd say that they know X spells, or X type of spells, and all the runes needed to cast them. If they want to experiment with combining different runes, then assign improv penalties, *and* make them describe which runes they are using, and how they *expect* them to work. You might have some sort of "Theoretical Rune Magic" ability for improvising, as opposed to "Know Troll-Bane Sword spell".

And, of course, the characters need some sort of artistic ability to carve/paint/scratch the runes correctly...

C'est par mon ordre et pour le bien de l'Etat que le porteur du pr�sent a fait ce qu'il a fait.
- Richelieu

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