RE: Re: Experience Contribution

From: Mike Holmes <homeydont_at_...>
Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2005 13:56:03 -0600

>From: "jeffrichard68" <jeff.richard_at_...>

>I'm with David on this one. My experience is that the most players
>who have joined a religion spend HP in the correct areas -
>otherwise, why join the religion?

This might not happen in other games. But in HQ, what happens is that the system, via relationships and personality traits, etc, links the player back into the roots of the character. Meaning that they'll find most interesting those things that are grab the character's attention from the setting. Thus the player thinks, "My character is a devotee of Destor, I'll raise an affinity because he's obviously concerned with how his god sees him, and those at the temple" (as he notes the relationships in question on his character sheet).

In this way, the HP spending restrictions are almost overkill. The desired result happens pretty much automatically.

Sometimes a player will spend a ton on something outside of their committments - a Humakti purchases a ton of diplomacy skill or something. But even when this happens, it's in the context of the character working for his diety. In this case, it turns out that the character is arguing with the new king of Sartar about the prominence that his cult should hold in the new order - or whatever. You'll find that even if the points aren't directly abilities that come from the keyword in question or even the religion, that they're coming from efforts to aid the religion, or do right by it.

I've yet to see someone spend a HP where I went, "huh?"


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