RE: Monkey

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 07:48:47 -0000

> Does anyone have HQ stats for a New World monkey? One has
> recently entered my game, and while the player suggestion of
> Monkey (Fling Poop, Prehensile Tail, Small, Climb, Shriek, Curious)
> is probably more than enough for a sidekick, it might be
> useful to have ratings at some point.

A proper species keyword, in fact.
A look through Anaxials should give you a "Small" rating by comparing with whatever animal you see this species of monkey as being similar to (I gather they vary enormously).

> (I also think that
> Dextrous is more important than Fling Poop -- they have
> little hands, after all!)

I'd say Dextrous and Agile would both be important. "Fling Poop" might be better kept for *this* monkey rather than a part of the keyword?

Maybe take a look at Baboons for behavioral abilities?

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