RE: New players to a campaign

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2005 19:30:03 -0000

> It seemed to me (and she can correct me if I'm wrong) that
> she was simply saying that the option should be left open.

If it's me you're refering to, then yes.

> That players should start at whatever level of ability makes
> sense to them, not only at starting level.
> Sure, if they want to play a "starting" character with a
> bunch of experienced ones, then let them do that. But if they
> want to be equals it seems that there's no reason not to do
> that either.

Exactly. I can't imagine why someone would start their character concept as "I want to be less capable in every way than everyone else in the party". If they do want to, fine, but that's hardly the default.

But then I've always done character creation, under any system, as "describe a character who'll fit in/contrast nicely with the one's we've got. Fine, now we'll write down some numbers to describe them."

Balance? Fairness? This is for fun, it's not a competition. Just as long as we have consistency, why *shouldn't* the new PC be a Patron a mastery higher than the other PCs, who got written up in more detail and adopted? If you trust the player, that is. And if you don't - get some new players.

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