Re: Re: Saga system

From: Stephen Rennell <steve_at_...>
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 08:49:14 +1300

Jane Williams wrote:
> The concept that I should take control of the PCs and tell the players
> what to do with them, on either a game-level in meta-game level.
> "Directed" HPs, for instance. I'm used to saying "yes" to my players.
> I'm gradually getting the hang of adding "but". Saying "no", or "you
> WILL do it this way" is still alien to me.

I usually use directed HP as bonuses rather than taking control. I mean that in a session where they would get 3-4 HP and they helped the neighbouring clan fight off some chaos beasties, I still gave them 3-4 HP, plus one point in "respected by <neighbouring clan> weaponthanes" or one point in "recognise chaos foes" (player choice between the two).

I only do it after a session where they've done something exceptional, and almost always I pick something that is highly related to the play, and often something that the players would feel a little reluctant to choose for themselves (like how stranger NPCs will relate to them in future).


Stephen Rennell 	steve_at_...
Wellington, New Zealand
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