Re: The book says many things (was Narrative Abilities are crap?)

From: bankuei <Bankuei_at_...>
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2005 19:08:44 -0000

Hi Tim,  

> And of all of them, only the Sorceror books are available in Games
> shops (I think, I don't recall seeing any of the others), and even
> then they are easily overlooked. Someone actively seeking
> narrativist games will almost certainly be able to track these down,
> but "Joe Roleplayer" - be he a 20+year vetran, or someone who just
> played D&D for the first time last week is probably unaware of yhrm
> until they go looking...

Hi Tim,

I was providing examples that you actually CAN point people to, and if they have internet access, they can look for themselves. I made no claims as to the popularity of these things, and more importantly, -because- they aren't widely available, wouldn't it make sense for the HQ text to contain useful techniques for the sorts of play it keeps promoting? It certainly makes sense to include those rather than hope that either the random reader has either stumbled upon solid improv techniques on their own or happened to come across one of these hard-to-find sources of techniques.

The techniques the authors themselves are using and advising may be completely seperate and parallel(maybe more efficient) to anything I've listed as a reference source. Again, had HQ not made so many mentions of using improv, I wouldn't even have suggested that it ought to have more techniques for it.


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