RE: Magical associations

From: Mike Gibb <migibb_at_...>
Date: Sat, 05 Feb 2005 19:58:30 +0000

>From: Labrygon_at_...
>Common magic seems to me to be along the lines of "we
>do this, and this happens, we never do this or else this happens" -more
>superstitions than an advanced theology. With specialized religon we have
>":we do this, *because of this*, and then this happens" - with more
>of how things work, or what things mean.

That's very similar to my take on common magic (I'm not too keen on the idea of common magic religions per se). It's superstitions that you pick up - hence only using it as an augment, rather than an active ability - "Well it's obvious that I am more lucky with my cooking if I throw the salt over my shoulder." Spell, feat, charm or talent may be down to the way it is done or from the entity that provides it but this only becomes important if you become concentrated (i.e. delve into "the deeper mysteries"TM). Until that point keep chucking salt over your left shoulder, crossing your fingers and making the "sign to ward off evil" and watch the augments come rolling in.



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