Re: Praxians & Uroxi (I mean Storm Bulls); HP

From: David Dunham <dunham_at_...>
Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 16:13:31 -0700


> "Praxians suffer an improvisational modifier to their weapon skills when
> afoot."
> I'm sure the Lunar cavalry do most of their fighting in the saddle, are we
> going to give them an improv mod also?

Depending on their origin, most Lunar cavalry aren't in the saddle from before they can walk. And see p.23 and p.107 for other examples of this.

BTW, the reverse is probably true, too. A Heortling with sword & shield fighting is going to have a penalty if he does this on horseback (

> Praxians didn't have a penalty in RQ.

Perhaps they should have! But Hero Wars abilities tend to be far more flexible than RuneQuest skills -- a RQ character who knew how to fight with a lance would have no ability at all with other weapons, unlike in Hero Wars.

> Storm Bull (listed as a spirit cult but described as a shaman tradition).

It's a draft. (An incomplete first draft.)

> You now need a bunch of SB shamans to provide all the SB magic. I find it
> hard to picture a SB shaman, certainly nothing like the standard shaman
> stereotype. HW shamans aren't combat limited like RQ shamans so I guess all
> those RQ Rune Lords could just be HW SB shamans.

Given that Praxian shamans use hallucinogenic weeds, it's not that far-fetched to imagine a Storm Bull shaman :-) Looking at it another way, is a tribal shaman going to refuse the request of a bullsman?

> "Storm bull worshippers often have the Spirit Combat ability." Which is
> useless.

No, it's used to let them integrate spirits.

> Someone please come up
> with a explaination of what happens when a bunch of Uroxi meet a bunch of
> Storm Bulls.

They all have a great fight and make up afterwards over barrels of beer. Just like what happens when a bunch of Uroxi meet a different bunch of Uroxi.

Again, it's a draft. Use it as a starting point.

And if I can repeat something I've said before: it's a mistake to try to convert from RuneQuest because you won't get the same results you had originally.

Nikk describes a problem that existed in draft versions of Hero Wars, but no longer does. AP transfers are much rarer than they used to be.

> A naive question, but where were the Praxian Keywords put up?

At which is the official Hero Wars site.

As far as the Hero Point reserve, our playtesting determined that yes, it was nice to have one (I think 3 HP sufficed for most of us). But if you were going heroquesting, it was essential to have one (and the larger the better).

David Dunham <mailto:dunham_at_...>
Glorantha/HW/RQ page: <> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein

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