RE: How Many Concentrate

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2005 16:44:46 -0000

> From: Greg Stafford
> I have always contended that most people do not concentrate.

(plus many examples and explanations)

Thanks, that's what I wanted to know.

I'm happy for my Glorantha to vary, I'm happy for individuals to vary from the norm within any given Glorantha, but it is nice to know what the norm *is*.

> It is an unfortunate fact that an unusual or rare thing
> (concentration,
> devotion) takes up a lot of space in the rules, therefore
> giving the impression that it is as important as the actually
> important things.

Complicated things do take space to explain clearly, unfortunately.

Perhaps when you produce the next edition (there will be a next edition, right?) a note suggesting how rare it is might be worth adding?

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