Re: Kolati

From: Moah, platypus powaaa! <moah_at_...>
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2005 00:47:24 +0100

Roderick and Ellen Robertson wrote:
>>Are the keywords for Kolati Heortling shaman anywhere to be found,
>>by any chance?

> The official writeup has been languishing because of Pendragon, ILH2, Men of
> the Sea, etc. Greg and I have been working on him (and Sedredosa - and the
> whole "animist Orlanthi" stuff) for a while now. But it's been a case of
> "okay, we have some breathing space between projects, let's look at this
> again" rather than steady progress. One of these days he'll get out...

There's more to Orlanthi animism than Kolat? Where can I learn about it, even if it's not much (or for runequest, or whatever).

Moah, platypus powaaa!

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