Re: Re: Fixed-length extended contests?

From: Neil Smith <neil_at_...>
Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2005 21:14:34 +0000

On Thursday 31 Mar 2005 9:53 am, Ashley Munday wrote:
> I don't believe that the rules limit what can be an
> actor in an extended contest based on whether it can
> make decisions or not, so we'll have to disagree on
> this one.

True, but extended contests without decisions simply degenerate into dice-rolling fests, which can be rather boring. I was pointing out that the extended contest rules work perfectly well even if only one side is making bids.

> Actually, even if that is your criteria is that an
> actor has to make decisions, in Glorantha everything
> is anthropomorphised (arachnopomophorhised with
> respect to time) so it's fairly easy to come up with a
> "decision" that somthing inanimate is taking.

That's a good point, though I think it's changing the nature of the contest. Instead of climbing an inert lump of rock, you're in a magical contest with the spirit (or whatever) that inhabits it. In that case, yes, the mountain spirit can make decisions based on its goals and personality (climbing Kero Fin is an example of this). But this is quite a different contest from the basic mountian climbing that we started with.


Neil Smith                         Milton Keynes Roleplaying Games Club
neil_at_...                    Honorary Life Member

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