RE: Donadar and Humakt

From: Light Castle <light_castle_at_...>
Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2005 17:57:38 -0400

On 6 Apr 2005 at 19:49, Jane Williams wrote:

> > For that many soldiers, most armies have an entire regimental band.
> True. When they do formation dancing as well as fighting, anyway. (Are
> my Orlanthi roots showing here?)

I figure that looks a lot like the Dawn Kata, to be honest.

As for mythical links between Donadar and Humakt, I'd go with some variation of that old story where the child asks the Rabbi why war exists and the Rabbi answers that it is to bring all those beautiful war marches, fight songs, and dirges into the world.

(Been a long time since I've heard that story, so maybe I'm not getting it right.)


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