Fw: Re:Common Magic and religion

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2005 21:29:47 -0700

> Or rather where they would be expected to be, to be bound. Just
> because a SpiritWorld spirit has crossed into the Middle World (perhaps
> due to a tragic mistake by a now-destroyed shaman) doesn't mean that
> you can now treat it as a Middle World spirit. When the Lunars
> defeated the Praxian Fire spirit (Wildfire?) at Moonbroth, they could
> not have bound it in a Common Magic charm, surely? Otherwise every
> Self Rock practitioner would be playing the part of a shaman, and
> dealing with spirits suffering the -20 modifier.

Common magic can't make fetishes, the "best" way of dealing with a spirit - charms are really a pale shadow of the utility of a fetish. True, binding a 10W7 Spirit into a charm would get you a +15 bonus, but few (if any) Common magic users would have the necessary ability to do so (some sort of Follower or Worshipper of [Spirit]), let alone the necessary ability level.

Yes, Common magic usually still requires some sort of intercessor to gain a charm, spell or feat from a Otherworld being. They are God-talkers, wise-women, etc. (See the box on HQ 104). It is generally asumed that there is someone in the community that can do this "off-stage" for the characters. (Communal worshippers are pretty much "not intercessors" by definition...)

And as a bit of super-natural history that Greg and I have discussed...

Spirits from the Spirit World who are released from a fetish (or otherwise released into the Middle world) can pass through the veil to the Spirit Plane with little or no effort - under normal circumstances, of course. There are ways to trap them, or for them to lose their way...

Common Magic Spirits *live* in the Middle world. If released in the Spirit world, they'd come through the veil the other way.

C'est par mon ordre et pour le bien de l'Etat que le porteur du pr�sent a fait ce qu'il a fait.
- Richelieu


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