Re: Lacking Courage

From: Rob <robert_m_davis_at_...>
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 19:43:47 -0000

Hi Trevor

First, how do I get in your Runequest game!! :^D

I aim to run a Runequest game for Continuum 2006 for nostalgic reason, but I am the GM for a long term Heroquest campaign. The players have helped defeat the Crimson Bat, find the Windsword and defend the Cradle.
They have just met Harrek the Beserk and have become Wolf Pirates!

The biggest difference in the game is the storytelling nature of the system.
It doesn't really support those who thrive on hit points, damage locations
and poring over armour tables, maximising armour vs encumberance.

The reason I say that is that I GM in a pub in central London and have had
AD&D players among others who don't enjoy playing with the above.

Have you played Heroquest before? Where are you based? Maybe we could arrange
a Demo for you and your group if that suits you? Can you get to a con where
Heroquest is being demo'd?


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