Re: Ritual Magic:

From: Paul Andrew King <paul_at_...>
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 22:05:00 +0100

> I have a very quick rules question. In Heroquest, page 102 it says
>"The Lunar cycle provides a multiplier to the ritual bonus that the
>magician gains from the Occasion; see page 113 for details".

It can be read as applying to all ritual magic. However it isn't used in the example (p103). And the sections on p113 (and p112) are pretty clearly talking about Lunar magic in particular. So I would say that the intent is that the sentence applies only to Lunar magic. With ILH-2 making Lunar magic even more distinct, that reading is reinforced.

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immortality.  More emperors died of poisoning from ingesting minerals 
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Guide to Taoism_

Paul K.

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