Re: Re: The Count and his daughter!

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2005 12:46:19 +0000 (GMT)

> Ahhh! Beren and Luthien, Aragorn and Arwen,
> Launcelot and Guenevere,
> Lamorak and Margause, Romeo and Juliet - is there a
> Gloranthan set
> of 'star crossed lovers'? Maybe Jar-Eel and that
> Tarsh guy?

I'm just trying to visualise Jar-eel asking anyone's permission. No dominating male relative to set the challenge, I'm afraid, not even the Red Emp.

I think you need to look at the slightly different cliche of circumstances and their other obligations and duties keeping them apart. A greater source of tragedy, anyway.

I can't remember enough about "the Tarsh guy" to say if he counted - wasn't he Argrath's fertility Companion? And didn't Jar-eel abandon a battle to go off with him? Sorry, not much tragedy there (well, maybe for the rest of the Lunar army).

Star-crossed lovers kept apart by other duties - Kallyr and Rigsdal?

There's got to be more?

Jane Williams                 

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