Teleport=quest on the other side?

From: Gianfranco Geroldi <giangero_at_...>
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2006 10:01:57 -0000

Triggered by some food for thought about the nature of heroquests, I wonder:

A Mastakos devotee (let's call him Kirk) who teleports himself 100 km away is actually jumping in the otherside *here* and then returning to the mundane world *there*?

I mean: if a teleport effect is similar to a mini-heroquest, could Kirk meet anyone or anything during the (near instantaneous) voyage and be blocked in the hero plane?

In this instance, when Kirk's player casts the dice for the teleport feat and fails, could you narrate that he is blocked in the hero plane instead than merely saying: "Kirk's teleport didn't work"?


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