Re: Fighting with ghosts

From: Gavain Sweetman <gavain.sweetman_at_...>
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 09:47:45 +0000 (GMT)

> Oh, those ones! Yes, that was the first lot of HW
> ghosts I encountered as a GM, too. I was a little
> puzzled at the time that they'd been dropped in the
> scenario with no means of dealing with them provided.

It was much easier in RQ days, simple POW vs POW contests and when you were stronger than them just stuff em in a spirit crystal. I have great affection for the senario as it was my introduction to RQ and Glorantha many moons ago. Though I do recall loosing a character in the flat room whilst fighting rats on his hands and knees he fatally stabbed himself in the foot!! LOL now wasn't funny then. :)

> What I did, and I have no idea if it will help you,
> was modify one of the random items of cheap loot found
> lying around. There was a broken sword-hilt. A dead
> sword, in other words. On closer inspection, dead as
> in it has no physical effect but is pretty good at
> hitting dead things...

I like it! Perhaps it will have to start glowing as they get near to give them a clue.

> Mind you, running the rest of the scenario with two
> PCs as rock lizards, communicating with the others by
> Gromit-style sign language and expressions, was fun.

I think that a few of the companions will go the same way. They can then heroquest to return them to their normal form.

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