Re: Re: Fighting with ghosts

From: Gavain Sweetman <gavain.sweetman_at_...>
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 11:47:19 +0000 (GMT)

Yes I'll encourage them to play with options. They have an OK defence against the ghosts. Mykka the ghost girl talked about before is their guardian. I have given her a Defend Against Spitrit/Ghost ability. So they should have some room to work something out.

> Also, don't drown the other devotee underwater.
> Yes, it was common in RQ3 (terrible ENC rules and ridiculous
> swim skills), but in HQ it is anticlimactic at best.

No, they arn't going to drown. Not that the players know that. All they saw was him falling in the water (he didn't intentionally go swimming) and dissapear out of sight. They saw some dark shapes moing towards him as he was swept out of sight. These shapes will infact rescue him.

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