so why three identical 'souls?'

From: Tony Davis <gallows_brother_at_...>
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 10:26:22 -0800 (PST)

So we have this complex system of worlds... we have three substances that are the soul, the spirit and the essence... and they seem so redundant and identical.

spirit quests look just like soul quests look just like essence quests.

sure, we've said that there are accidental differences... 'essence is more like and abstract version of a thing' or somesuch...

but the rules, the quests, the experience of it all seem to be pretty much the same.

Why do people start with three substances when they only need one? We have a very complicated system that is really just three (or a few more than three) systems smooshed together?

Is it a game design idea designed to make multicultural play more difficult? To make foes harder to understand? Or is there something I'm missing?

Is there an advantage to keeping all of your substances?


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