Kings and Champions

From: Tony Davis <gallows_brother_at_...>
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 10:47:49 -0700 (PDT)

Trotsky said:

"Unless one devotes to, say, Dar, this is generally true, yes. But, that
only reinforces my original point that the powerful characters in
Rising are not 'mainly initiates'. If one discounts Kallyr and Broyan,
then only two of the six rebellion leaders are Initiates. And, looking
at all characters in SR important enough to get leader sheets, the
preponderance of Devotees is greater still (16 out of 25). Using SR as
your guide, it would seem that, while being a Devotee isn't essential
becoming a Heortling hero (e.g. Minaryth, Orstalor, and the
aforementioned political leaders), it is more common than not.

Most Heortlings, of course, aren't heroes :)"

So it seems to me that there are two main paths to power in the Heortling world. There's the Chief/Kingship path which involves being a generalist who is good at leading people. And the Hero/Champion path which involves being a specialist and following those Chief/Kings in battle and in peace. The Hero/Champion will have more power in their areas and be better at things like fighting and magic, but only the Chief/King will be able to integrate everyone into a cohesive whole. Wind Lords do not good Kings make. And everyone knows it... the King has to be an Initiate of two gods... I think it keeps them from favoring one aspect too much and allows them to think in terms of all their people. The King cannot afford to be a religious fanatic.

it's worth considering when you are playing your character, which path you are following. If you want to be a Chief/King type, your best powers are going to be your relationships with other people!


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