Re: Mass Combat

From: Philippe Sigaud <sigaud_at_...>
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 11:18:47 +0200


> I think that's why the rules cut down on the final APs if you are vastly
> inflating them means that you just bid big. I'm not sure why you say that
> the number of people have a small effect on TN. for a regiment of 1000 the
> bonus is +25.

That much ? Oh, I remembered only +6, +8, that kind of thing. +25 sure is some big bonus.
I admit plying mainly with units in the 30-100 persons range.

> If you don't inflate the APs you get regiments in the W4 range
> and thus should not overshoot too much and not bias the play towards always
> destroying the army you are facing.

Do you mean you take the average soldier ability, add group bonus, commander augments, etc, get into , say, 8w4 and begin the fight with only 88 APs ?

But any player with some adequate followers will have that much, no? Or do you use a different way to calculate APs?

> Most commanders unless mad or stupid
> would get out of the fight as soon as they realised they were outclassed.

Well, in most case I saw, they couldn't. 1-3 rounds and someone is at -100 PA or worse.


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