Re: Wardings

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2006 20:47:56 +0000 (GMT)

> Yes this is the sort that I was missing. I just made
> a Humakti improvise one
> from his Death affinity to trap a load of scorpion
> men.

Oh, it was off his Death affinity, was it? (says the GM)

> It's a fairly free form game so that was OK.

Perfectly. Powerful Humakti NPC and his warband dealing with scorpionman mooks - obviously he beats them, and how he does so is window-dressing, we're far more interested in his conversation with the Vingan who's trying to chat him up. But having enjoyed the story, it's nice to know what Feat (or what) I'm adding to the NPC's sheet. Consistency, and all that.

I think I'll call it "wall of death", add it to his affinity, and leave it at that.

> I just wanted to know if the rest of you have
> noticed the lack of the Wardings and what you did
> about it when you did.

Yes, I'd be interested, too.

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