Re: Re: Character Generation

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2006 19:28:49 +0000 (GMT)

> >How about "could" be rated higher?
> They can be. I can rate my "String Bean" other
> ability at 18, and just not
> raise up any of my keyword abilities, for instance.

But your String Bean ability can only get as high as 13+10, right? Whereas something off a keyword would be capped at 17+10. And if your character concept involves being the best Bean-stringer in the tribe, tough, you can't play that, keyword or not. (String Bean? I'm fascinated now. Is this vegetable preparation, or necklace making?)

> Not precisely. I said that spending points or HP on
> an ability indicates player interest in the ability.

True: it also makes it higher. There would appear to be a corrolation.

> A Tall 15 that costs an "other ability" and
> two starting points shows more interest than a 17
> ability from a keyword.

Very true. But why not start with the player saying, explicitly "I want him being tall to be a major factor in the plot and in how other people see him" and then as a completely separate action, agreeing with the GM on a number to represent how tall he is? Which might be 12.....

> >If you find artificial numerical limits helpful, by
> >all means impose them on yourself.
> Good, then we agree.

That you (or anyone) should have the freedom to use limits of any sort that takes your fancy *on yourself*? Yes, of course.

> But those have to be determined on a per-character
> basis. I want a hard limit that works for everybody.

Why? What's the attraction?  

> Nobody's saying your method is wrong. I'm just
> telling you what works for
> me. So that people don't think your "we" applies to
> everybody on the list.

(blank look) How on earth could it? Telepathic ability to read the minds of everyone on the list... that would be impressive, but not likely. If anyone believes that, there's a bridge I'd like to sell you.                                   

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