Re: Medicine bundles

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 12:04:22 -0700

> On Heroquest page 148, we learn that practices acquire spirit guardians in
> medicine bundles. Does this apply to spirits other than embodied
> landscape spirits? For example, would Folorene have one or more medicine
> bundles?

Yes - each "practice group"* has a medicine bundle for their Majestic Spirit, no matter what that spirit is - Folorene, Oakfed, Moosehorn Spur... It is not restricted to the "Landscape Spirits", but to any Majestic Spirit. A medicine bundle is eqyuivalent to a Temple's Guardian Daimones or the wards and Essences that guard a Church building in the west.

The location of the Medicine Bundle entry is unfortunate, as they are not solely part of the Landscape Entity concept.

*"practice group" in the sense that "we all get together once a week to worship XX" - so the Blue Sparrow clan's Oakfed "practice group" has a medicine bundle that holds their Guardian Spirit, the Three-eye Buffalo's Oakfed practice group has one (which should be subtly different than the Blue Sparrow's), etc.

Also, is it correct to interpret the sample spirits on pages 148 and 149 as granting the powers listed there through the guardian spirits in the medicine bundle? (Thus, if one had an independent practice, you could join its practice and gain practice spirits that might have different powers.) >>

Basically, yes. Spirit stuff should fluctuate pretty radically in terms of powers and power, because spirits do so. The abilities and ratings given are suggestions and examples, not hard-and-fast stats (ie, not all Great Trees have 'Sense health of community 1w", "Center of community 2w2" and . "Summon nearby Followers 5w" - each great tree is different. but this abilities are meant to give you an idea of where to start when you make up your own guardians or spirits.

He was born with the gift of laughter and the sense that the world was mad R. Sabatini, Scaramouche

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