Re: Mass effort rules?

From: parental_unit_2 <parental_unit_2_at_...>
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 17:40:24 -0000

A couple of things we did for mass combat in Jeff Richard's Sartar game that I forgot to mention:

  1. Jeff sometimes didn't model Sartarite armies as single groups, but as a set of groups based on the tactical units from _Orlanth is Dead_: The Sword, Shield, Spear, Byrnie, and Javelin. A player ran each unit. It at least gave players something to do during mass combats, where their heroes often could have no influence on the outcome.
  2. Jeff used the number of hero points spent during a mass combat as a measure of how many losses the winning side suffered. I don't think he had a fixed, mechanical way of doing it.


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