Re: HQ2, cultural key-words, runes.....

From: David Dunham <david_at_...>
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2008 08:36:18 -0700


>Please tell me that common magic still exists, and people still have
>odds and bobs of simple magic, beyond the big rune stuff. If we are
>switching yet again it would make me a bit dizzy.....
>So I hope that is 'common magic isn't explained in much detail in the
>appendix, but of course it can still exist under the normal ability
>rules' or some such........I hope!

That's what I would do -- magic doesn't need to be part of an organized religion. In fact, even Sartarites get odd bobs of magic if they want -- spells aren't limited to Westerners, nor affinities to theists.

The HQ2 rules do not have concentration.


David Dunham
Glorantha/HQ/RQ page:

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