Re: Re: Augmenting One Ability With Another

From: Toksickburn_at_...
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 08:57:11 EST


_tim_at_timellis_ (mailto:tim@timellis) said:
>If your HQ1 Troll has "Grapple 5W", "Large 3W", "Strong 17"
>and "Always Hungry 17" and you are always going to apply Large,
>Strong and Always Hungry then either upgrade his grapple 11W (+2 for
>each automatic augment) - or just assume the 5W already includes
>them. (Providing you treat all abilities in the same manner, I don't
>think it is particularly important which way you do it).

But doesnt that also mean that you drop Large, Strong and Always Hungry and have less abilities you can use for variety or different strategies in an extended contest ?  

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