Re: Relative resistances and narrow/broad abilities

From: ttrotsky2 <TTrotsky_at_...>
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 18:46:40 -0000

Matthew Cole:  

> The starting base resistance is recommended to be 14 and the table given for
> 'guidance' starts there, increasing a point every 3 sessions.
> I don't know where it says this can be altered, or how.

p.71, last paragraph ("the table is just a guideline, and the context of your story will always trump it").

As to your other posts, there's quite a lot I could say in response. But I've largely already said it, and it all boils down to "different people have different tastes" and/or "not everyone finds the same things easy", anyway, so I won't bother :)

Except to clarify that I don't personally like HQ2 *or* MRQ.

Gamer and Skeptic

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