Re: Mysticism question

From: Jonas Schiött <jonas.schiott_at_...>
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 01:06:21 +0200

Richard Develyn 00-06-05 17.31

>Someone a while ago suggested that there were problems here, would they mind
>AFAICS otherwise, the only thing I can see is that the -20 improv penalty to
>defend other magics seems rather huge, especially in the light of recent
>discussions here when people have been proposing defending against magic
>with nothing more special than a combat skill (with improv penalites, I
>know, but more than -20??).

Quick summary:

  1. Powers are tough to learn.
  2. Powers suck.

I didn't originate these arguments, but they seem pretty persuasive to me and no one has come forward to counter them yet. ;-)

On a personal note, I would say much the same thing about theistic Secrets. None of them really seem worth the trouble of acquiring them...

Jonas Schiött

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