RE: Re: HeroQuest (2nd Ed) will be avaible this June!

From: Matthew Cole <matthew.cole_at_...>
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 19:01:14 +0100

What we did, to move into HQ2, was to follow the Battlestar Galactica model and have a re-imagining. This can apply to any/all aspects of your campaign. What the BSG guys did was to dream up the setting, heroes and plot setup based on the existing 80s films/show - keeping the bits they liked and letting the rest slide.  

We played a scenario from the heroes past and imagined how the heroes we had already grown to love during play in my campaign would be before such a story.  

When we resume the campaign in the present, the players are going to write 100 or so words for these same heroes.  

Our intention is to make characters that are primed for the story-now approach. It is not our aim to copy each and every skill from the old HQ1 character sheets. We are also not keeping existing skill levels: it will be as if the heroes were just created for the first time.  

One of the ideas I picked up whilst at the last Tentacles (I think from Robin Laws) is to go through this process at the start of every series but I don't know how it's going to work out because I've not thought it through.  


From: [] On Behalf Of David Dunham Sent: 29 April 2009 18:28
Subject: Re: HeroQuest (2nd Ed) will be avaible this June!  

So now's the time to wrap up those HQ1 campaigns. I consider HQ2 broadly compatible with HQ1 supplements, but not necessarily with HQ1 *player characters*. Especially if you're playing in Glorantha.

A big difference is that you won't need as many abilities. Frex, all the boilerplate of being an initiate (like Mythology and Soul Vision) is now handled as being part of your divine rune affinity (which is a keyword). And in the upcoming Sartar book, a lot of things end up under your cultural keyword, which for Heortlings is their clan. (In our Orlamarthing game, Hate Greydog Clan is simply part of the clan keyword and doesn't need to be separate.)

Plus we're recommending using the umbrella approach to keywords, which also means a lot less abilities on your sheet.

This is not to say that you couldn't convert your PCs, or perhaps keep playing them as is. But that often ends up making them different, which can be less satisfying. So my personal recommendation is to create new characters.


David Dunham
Glorantha/HQ/RQ page:

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