Re: Re: When HQ2 comes out what genres and settings will you use?

From: Guy Hoyle <guy.hoyle_at_...>
Date: Sat, 2 May 2009 05:09:50 -0500

I've been writing up notes for a swords and sandals campaign and I'm getting the feeling that HQ2 might be a better fit than Risus, a rules-light RPG that I really love. I love Greek mythology, but I think if I went for the more Classical approach I'd be more serious.
(and less entertaining). I'm contemplating a "Steve Reeves meets
Kevin Sorbo/Lucy Lawless" approach, with the campiness turned up to 11. I also have to give credit to Olivier LeGrand's "Mazes and Minotaurs", his affectionate alternate-reality look at retro-gaming
(What if the first RPG had been inspired by ancients wargaming rather
than medieval?), which is D&D inspired by Greece and Rome rather than Tolkien and Poul Anderson and Fritz Leiber.

Guy (Hoyle)

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