Re: Re: odds

From: Nikodemus Siivola <nikodemus_at_...>
Date: Sun, 8 Nov 2009 13:36:29 +0200

2009/11/8 Mike Holmes <mike_c_holmes_at_...>:

> Either Mr. Laws is sort of savant for having determined the optimal system (which uses
> opposed d20 rolls and masteries), or he got very lucky. Or a bit of each.
> I know... you look at it, and you say, well it just looks wrong. It even kinda feels wrong
> at first (which is why folks end up trying this stuff). But it's not wrong. It's very,
> very right.

Can you expand on this a little? Specifically on the things that look and feel wrong but are right: what are they, and why are they right?


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