Re: Re: stretches and credibility checks - anyone else having difficulty?

From: L C <lightcastle_at_...>
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 08:19:59 -0500

I actually think that's something to keep in mind in general. Quite a few adventures published in different systems over the years have encounters that are based around playing with game mechanics or creating a very specific mechanic. Having scavenged some old Star Frontiers modules for a game, and played with converting some AD&D ones, I've found you often have to alter these encounters fairly heavily. They work extremely well as set pieces within those mechanics but don't work outside of that.

Just MHO.


Jeff wrote:
> The Wall of Death was an RQ rules construct (like some of the goofy
> traps in Big Rubble or Snake Pipe Hollow). To be honest it really
> doesn't make much sense outside of the confines of the RQ rules. I'd
> just have the players say how they plan to dodge or catch the arrows
> and set the resistance accordingly. Then figure out the consequences
> of success or failure.

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