Even more good news: Moon Design welcomes Ian Cooper aboard!

From: Jeff <richaje_at_...>
Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 14:42:44 -0000

Moon Design Publications is proud to announce that Ian Cooper has joined the Moon Design team!

First thing on Ian's agenda: bring us back to the Kingdom of Sartar with "The Coming Storm." Fight rival clans and tribes and defend your people from monsters like the Telmori. With your heroes rest their fate of their clan, tribe, and even the freedom of Sartar itself. This supplement covers the Red Cow clan, its neighbors, friends, and enemies, and a full timeline for events from 1618-1625 with adventures for each year, so that the players can guide the clan through its darkest hour. An adventure that will literally change the world, if they succeed.

For more information check out:


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