Re: DnD4e to HQ2 (was Greetings)

From: Santo Sengupta <aumshantih_at_...>
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2011 12:23:30 -0400


I'm a HeroQuest 1.0 Grognard - 2.0 is nifty, but the lack of simultationism left me a bit cold. I *liked* knowing what M2 vs M4 or even crazy M7-9 meant in Glorantha, regardless of game balance issues.

Here's my take:

Actually, 4E would be really easy to convert, as all their nifty Abilities and Class Features and Powers can just be used as HQ Abilities names.

For example:
Keyword: Eladrin
Natural Fey Humanoid, Low Light Vision, Speak Common, Speak Elven, Eladrin Education, Eladrin Longsword Training, Eladrin Will, Fey Step, Trance State

Keyword: Wizard
Wear Cloth Armor, Wield Dagger/Staff, Use [Magic Implement], Strong Will, Arcana + 3 Skills, Wizard Cantrips, Ritual Casting, Spellbook.

Class Features/Feats/Powers you'd just use the name of it.

As folks level up, they can add to Keywords/individual skills, and unlock more feats/powers/crunch as per "normal" DnD. Hell, "Level" could be this meta keyword, and you could roughly map them to mastery levels.

aum shanti shanti shantih.
"The world is like the impression left by the telling of a story." - from the Yoga Vāsiṣṭha


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