Re: Starships and Lifepods

From: David Dunham <david_at_...>
Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2011 23:05:50 -0800

On 25 Nov 2011, at 16:06, Bo wrote:

> It is one of those parts that still tickles the brain. One gun is not
> like another; one is more damaging... but (using HQ ideals of game play)
> one shooter is not like another either. So, it is about story not gear.

Actually, Star Wars provides a perfect example. How many points of damage does the Death Star do? I hope you'd consider that a ridiculous question. Or at least one that never needs to be asked.

So how many points of damage does a blaster do isn't quite as ridiculous maybe, but it's equally unnecessary. Blasters can be used to try to resolve story situations. Perhaps there are situations where Big Blaster has an advantage over Blaster, but in most story situations it doesn't matter.

> I think bears repeating to someone new to the system. It is the one
> really HUGE issue with coming into this system. It is part of years of
> looking at the game as a sim and not a story.

Or you can look at it that you are still simulating, only now you're simulating a movie (or a book, or some other dramatic form).

David Dunham
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