Re: stretches and credibility checks - anyone else having difficulty?

From: Howard <green27_at_...>
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2011 15:15:23 -0000

Hi There - new to HQ (any version) new to the list.

Was just skimming the list as I try to work out how things work.

This example stuck out. surely, this is not how it's supposed to play? I mean, one player is interfering with the other's attempt to do something. Beyond that, surely the situation isn't "we throw a bunch of stuff until one of us takes out the guard" - it should be more one(1) character tries and takes out the guard. I don't get this cooperative action.

I could see a character trying to shift the bar on a gate getting assistance from others to lift it (or cut through it.)

I've been puzzling through how combats might be run - I should note that I don't have the rules yet, they are "enroute" - and I think I understand most of the concepts. It seems to me if combats are just one roll for the party and another for the foe (with everyone adding in abilities) then that is not going to be very satisfying.

Please tell me that is not how it works!


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