Summoning Lesser Gods etc

From: SARAH <sarah.newton5_at_...>
Date: Sat, 07 Jan 2012 15:13:59 -0000

Hi everyone,

I'm reading the Summoning and Commanding Lesser Gods rules on Sartar:KoH p88, and wondering how they work. Does a summoned entity (such as the talosi in the example) provide a character with a second action each round, like a temporary sidekick, or does the summoned entity's action count as the character's action for the round?

In the example, Ailrene uses an unrelated action to summon the talosi; once it's summoned, the talosi then engages in an extended contest with the enemy thane at an ability level equal to Ailrene's Earth rune ability. Can Ailrene also do something else while the talosi is attacking, or does the talosi's attack count as her action thereafter? (I can see a justification for the latter as the talosi's attack is now a Specific Ability, whereas previously Ailrene's Earth rune would have been only broad if used to attack in some way).

What does everyone think?

Cheers! :-D


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