The Long Wait

From: Mikael Raaterova <ginijji_at_...>
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 18:18:33 +0200

>Mikael wrote
>> >I turned in my work on Thunder Rebels in 1998.
>> And a damn fine piece of work it was. I wonder what the hell is
>> taking Issaries so long to get it out.
>Yeah, 30 whole days after Deluxe Hero Wars is released, and we've
>already had one followup. Why can't a one man company put out more
>than 4 books in one month?

Yeah, i know. Sorry, i'm just a bit irritated that it has been two whole *years* since i first read Robin's draft.

Mikael Raaterova        [.sig omitted on legal advice]

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