Mass Combat Rules [Long]

From: Brian Laxson <b1laxson_at_...>
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2000 16:20:14 -0700 (PDT)

Here is a possible way to deal with mass combat in Hero Wars. The concept is fairly simple, a variation on the extended contest. Examples are given which make this a relatively long post.

Brian Laxson
aka Agnar the Humakti


Simple means for mass combat in Hero Wars By Brian Laxson

The following is a suggestion on the means to resolve very large scale conflicts in Hero Wars. The most typical example being mass combat, such as a clan raid. It is designed as a variant of the extended contest rules.
The number of participants is expected to be from 50 to 500. Smaller conflicts can be handled using the follower rules, with followers grant AP to the lead figures. Larger conflicts can be handled with a similar system this but are likely to be major story events under the narrator's control.
An example of a Heortling clan defending against a Carmanian raid will be used.

The scaling factor
The scaling number appears in a number places to help resolve the scale of the conflict. This is set to five for most situations. A larger, or smaller, conflict can be more easily handled by changing the scaling number. In this case when you see the number five being used to adjust for the size of the fight you can instead use your chosen scaling factor.

Since this is a text file without the special characters "w" is used in skill codes to indicate mastery level. Thus 10w1 is 10 master one, 18w2 is 18 mastery two and 7 is 7 with no mastery.
Edges are marked as ^# and handicaps as ^-#.

The main concept
Break it down into determining the army's skill level and AP level. The AP level is not tied to the skill level but the number of people in the army. Most of this works comes up through the examples.

You'll need to have an idea of the number and types involved for each side. One type with the force becomes the main force and is used like a leader. The others then act like followers or supporting allies to the main force.
The "fighting skill" of the main force is used as the armies skill. However, the number of action points is determined by dividing the number of persons by five (the scaling factor).
Other elements in the army then must make a decision. They can act like a follower and add AP to the main force OR they can try and augment the main force's skill. They can not be used to do both. How they are used is a reflection of the how the fight in the battle.
The armies leader may then try and further augment the armies skill by using skills such as leadership or tactics. Unlike the normal extended contest several skills may be used provided there is sufficient time to do so. Augments to the skill will also add on to the AP available.
Certain other special characters may also be able to contribute in the same way as the leader. Only one of each type of special character should be used. For example only one priest. However, other special characters of the same type may first try to augment that character's skill before they determine for the affect on the army.
Edges and handicaps may also be assigned based on factors like the terrain. If one army has a type of fighting arm that the other can't match, like bowmen or cavalry, then the narrator should assign extra edges or handicaps.

The Heortling Example
For the Heortlings there are 80 clan members and 20 weapon thanes. The clan chief Orkstad leads them. The weapon thanes have a fighting skill of 10w1 and field 4 AP. The clan members have spear and shield of 17 and 16 AP worth of people.
Seeing this low AP number the clan members are ordered to tie up the enemy and let thanes deal with real the fighting. The Heortling starting force is a skill of 10w1 with 4+16=20 AP.
The Heorlings had only a little warning from their patrols. Orkstad makes a speech using his Orate skill about how Orlanth protected Ernalda. He succeeds in getting a +5 augment. The Heortlings are now at a skill of 15w1 and 25AP.
Orkstad doesn't have much time so the narrator rules he can't use the Orlanth Rex feat of Bless Clan. However he does use the secret "Command Storm People" for a further +3 augment. A use of Rally Clan magic is ruled by the narrator to draw in another 20 of the clan who where in the fields. These 20 persons are the equivalent of +4 AP. The Heortlings are now 18w1 with 32AP.
Orkstad himself will be taking to the field and so will augment with his sword and spear fighting. Before making that role he first augments himself with his Strong trait and several other feats. At an effective sword and shield skill for himself of 20w1 he decides to attempt a +6 augment and succeeds. The Heortlings are at 4w2 with 38 AP.
A priest of Hedkoranth is present as well. He uses the Lightning Sword feat to provide a final +3 augment to the army. Since it needs to be cast on all 20 thanes that is all the time he has. For simplicity only one test is made for the augment and it succeeds. When all is said and done the Heortlings go to defend the clan with a skill of 7w2 and 41 AP.

The Carmanian Example
The Carmanians are here organized in a feudal fashion. They have 8 heavy cavalry which are the knights. 120 of the peasant levy is along as well. A section of twenty Praxian mercenaries have also been hired who fight with bow from horseback. Duke Dormond and the sorcerer Tistinium lead them.
The 12 knights have a skill of 15w1 but only a base of 2 AP (after rounding). The peasants are there to soak up losses bringing the Carmanians to 15w1 with 26 AP and ^1. However they also have an edge since the Heortlings do not have cavalary (or pikeman to block a cavalry charge).
The twenty Praxians will fire their bows on the flanks of the battle. This end up giving a +3 augment. Again the Heortlings can't match this so the narrator applies a handicap of ^-1. If there were a number of hunters present though this handicap could be removed. Carmanians are now 18w1, 26 AP ^1 and the Heortlings at 4w2, 38AP a ^-1.
Duke Durmond attempts to augment with his speeches and promises of plunder for a +5 augment. However he fumbles badly and many question if this course of action was wise. This shifts the numbers as a penalty for the Carmanians. Duke Durmond decides not to be personally involved in the fighting. Caramanian army is at 13w1, 21AP, ^1 and the Heortlings 4w2, 38AP, ^-1.
Since Tistinium had some time to prepare he manages to cast several spells for a massive +10 augment by the time he is done. Caramanian army is at 3w2, 31AP, ^1 and the Heortlings 4w2, 38AP, ^-1.

Other modifiers
The battle is taking place on the Heortling tula. The narrator decides to award them a +1 edge which serves to cancel out their handicap. Caramanian army is at 3w2, 31AP, ^1 and the Heortlings 4w2, 38AP.

Running the battle:
The battle is now run as an extended contest. The weapons and armor the main force are applied as if two of them were actually fighting.

The Carmanian knights therefore will fight with rank 3 swords and rank 5 armor and a height bonus. The thanes have rank 3 swords and rank 3 armor. Taking this into account run the Caramanian army as skill 3w2, 31AP, ^1 and the Heortlings as skill 4w2, 38AP.

At the narrator's option the leaders may spend hero points for the army. This should be decided before the battle though.

Meanwhile, the players�
Even if the players are not leaders in the battle they may still have an affect on the battle. In each exchange of the army the players have a number of exchanges equal to the scaling number, typically five. The affects the players can achieve in this time are applied to the next army exchange. Players may also qualify as special characters before the start of the battle.

Players example

For example the player group consists of a Humakti, a Vingan, two hunters and a lawspeaker who are supporting the Heortling side. The Vingan has a follower who she has add on to her own AP for the battle.
Before the battle starts the law speaker points out how the Carmanians are breaking the law by attacking during a treaty. He succeeds in granting a +2 augment, making the Heortling army as skill 6w2, 40AP at the start of the battle.
The Humakti and Vingan power up their own personal feats and dive into the battle. They are pitted against one knight and five of the peasant levee. In the five rounds between the first and second exchange the knight is still up but two peasants are down. This isn't enough to affect the calculations made earlier. However by the time the third army exchange comes around the knight is down and the remaining three peasants. The loss of the five peasants deducts 1 AP from the Carmanian total. The loss of the knight is also just enough to adjust the AP added for the knights by 1. Thus because of these players the Carmanian army losses 2 AP. Had the Carmanian leader taken to the field the players may have been able to find him and have an even larger effect on their foes. Meanwhile the two hunters decide to do something about the Praxian archers. Between the first and second army exchange they have managed to take out three Praxians and wound another. The Narrator decides that the Praxian mercenaries are more interested in staying alive. After a check of the Praxian loyalty he decides they withdraw from the battle. First off 4 AP of the Carmanians have left the field because of the players and this is deducted from the remaining AP. Furthermore, the Praxians no longer create that ^-1 handicap on the Heortlings.

Special Story Events
The narrator is encouraged to give the players special story events to go after in the battle. These include attacking the enemy leader, sneaking around to ambush the sorcerers, pressing into the very center of the battle etc. The affects of this is upto the narrator.

The army suffers consequences as if it had been a single entity in the battle.

A complete defeat therefore means the force is shattered. Only a few escape the battle to tell the tale.
A major defeat sees the force with heavy casualties but perhaps able to reform at a latter date. A minor defeat means light casualties and the force was forced off the field with difficulty.

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