Re: HP or AP

From: t.s.baguley_at_...
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 16:15:37 +0100

> From: "Timothy Byrd" <timbyrd_at_...>
>The D&D reference may have been like a Freudian slip. I think APs
>look a lot like D&D hit points, except they auto-regenerate between
>fights. While RQ hit points are damage points, APs and D&D hps both
>seem to refer to how well things are going for a character/hero.

Not IMO. APs are a measure of how well you are doing (in fact, AP ratios are this measure: winning a contest is driving the AP ratio you:opponent to infinity). D&D HPs are a combined measure of skill, how well you are doing and wounds. It is this confusion which makes them problematic.


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