Re: Re: Low bids in combat

From: Mikko Rintasaari <mikrin_at_...>
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 02:48:04 +0300 (EET DST)

On Wed, 21 Jun 2000, Benedict Adamson wrote:

> Alex Ferguson wrote:
> > One ploy that might work is magic that gives one lots of APs.
> > If you have APs to burn, and your opponent doesn't, then high bids
> > are good (c.f. poker).
> What about a variant AUGMENTATION rule, which enabled you to add APs
> instead of a bonus or edge? The mechanics are, I trust, obvious. Has
> anyone tried anything similar?

I have a suggestion that I think would work... but you aren't going to like it.

If one would make the _offencive_ edges as multipliers, that would encourage players to bid high to gain most of them.

If for instance using a sword would get one a 1,5 multiplier to the AP one bid's it would better reflect the fact that a human with a sword is a more dangerous creature than one without. As the system stands one can pretty much negate the effects of the equipment edge by bidding suffisciently high.
  The defencive edges could remain as they are, or be changed into a divider. Reducing the AP loss by one quarter, or parhaps even half.

Well... as I said you won't like it. Too much math. But it would work.


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