Re: curious personal attack

From: Mikael Raaterova <ginijji_at_...>
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 13:43:30 +0200

> > > We could clear up 80% of the queries about feat ambiguity on
>>> this list by adding less than 10 words to the whole book. Why the
>>> hell don't we?
>>Fine. Which 10 words did you have in mind? We have a few months to prepare
>>the revision.
>Add a word or two (or even completely change, retaining the same
>basic meaning) to the descriptions of Sunset Leap, Snarl Darkness,
>and any other Feat that people have complained about to make it
>clearer. Snarl Makes Darkness, for example, or Leap At Dusk - not
>that these are necessarily the right explanations (though thats what
>I will be taking them to mean in my game), but just something that is
>not as ambiguous.

I'm with David here. Feats are like abilities in that the tags should indicate what actions can be attempted with them.

Mikael Raaterova        [.sig omitted on legal advice]

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