Re: Re: Mastery Inflation

From: Mikael Raaterova <ginijji_at_...>
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 22:11:13 +0200

Jeff Kyer:
> > >Anyways, most starting characters start with 3 single masteries.
>> >So me and my 5 friends are the only masteries in our tribe of 5000?
>> >I wonder how the chief manages to use his great secret....
>> Starting characters in my games don't start with multiple masteries.
>Then your Glorantha differs from the starting one.

No, but my _HW_ does. Though not startlingly; the chargen ratings are suggestions, not carved in stone.

>Steve started with
>the usual 1 5w and 2 1w masteries everyone gets.

Yes, i know.

> > >1 mastery, you know that skill. 2 masteries you're good, with either
>> >massive usage, trainage, or years of experience. 3 Masteries.. you've
>> >gotten help, or naturally very good. But single masteries are common.
>> >Going past 10w is less common, but a number of people do.
>> Not IMHW. The mastery inflation implicit in HW is a Greggism that is
>> still a bad idea.
>I must admit that I disagree. At least with the skills being trailed
>out, there's a significant difference in the effectiveness. The throw
>weight of a person with even a singel mastery advantage is very high.
>And that's the way it should be.

And lowering the frequencies of masteries in HW somehow _reduces_ the throw weight of a mastery advantage?

The whole idea of lowering the frequencies of mastery occurrence is to _increase_ the worth of mastery levels, instead of spreading them around like confetti. What are you're actually disagreeing with?

Mikael Raaterova        [.sig omitted on legal advice]

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