Re: Harrek

From: t.s.baguley_at_...
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2000 11:53:15 +0100

>We know that Harrek is in the Xw4 range. These days a standard tribe
>has several near-Harrek guys (or at least Xw3s) running around. I
>don't like the implied assumption that a handful of tribal tough guys
>stands a good chance of taking Harrek out.
>Mikael Raaterova [.sig omitted on legal advice]

A handful of Morden's fully powered up could take out Harrek without power-ups IMG. The moot point (I suspect) is that Harrek is probably _always_ powered up. How many APs do you get for a great spirit follower?

In any case I think this discussion is fairly futile as people are arguing about power levels in other peoples games. the rules are fairly loose on this one (from memory clan champions are 2w to 3w - take your pick ...).


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